Bank of America’s Kieth Cockrell is a philanthropist first
When Kieth Cockrell reflects on his life and the professional success he has achieved, his thoughts turn to others, those who supported him and nurtured him as a young student and athlete.
He remembers the teachers and coaches who helped lift him from poverty by encouraging him to pursue higher education. He thinks fondly of his grandmother, who raised him while working and living with diabetes, which she controlled through strict attention to her diet.
His appreciation for those who helped him succeed guides his charitable vision.
After working at Bank of America for 28 years, Kieth Cockrell was named president of Bank of America’s Charlotte region in May of 2021. He has served as the vice chair of the bank’s Global Diversity & Inclusion Council where he established several employee networks.
Cockrell serves on the boards of many Charlotte organizations such as the Charlotte Regional Business Alliance, Johnson C. Smith University, My Brother’s Keeper and the Charlotte Sports Foundation. He was named 2023 Chair of the CLT Alliance in December. Nationally, Cockrell serves on the board for the United Negro College Fund. He is also a board member for Foundation For The Carolinas, which supports nonprofit and corporate philanthropy through a range of innovative funds and giving options.
And thanks to the Foundation, Cockrell and his wife have changed how they manage their personal philanthropy, opting to use a donor advised fund, which makes it easier for them to manage their giving while maximizing the impact for the organizations and causes they select. Click here to read the full story at qcitymetro.