Meet Lauren Millovitsch

Lauren Millovitsch

Lauren Millovitsch, Managing Member of Creamer Millovitsch in Davidson, is an estate planning and tax attorney who helps individuals and businesses incorporate charitable giving in their current and long-term planning.


1. Describe Your Relationship With Foundation For The Carolinas.

Over the years, I have helped many of my clients create donor advised funds at FFTC, and I currently serve on the FFTC Cabinet of Professional Advisors. Previously, I served as a board member for the Iredell County Community Foundation, and currently am a member of the board of advisors for Davidson Community Foundation, which is a field of interest fund at FFTC.


2. What Value Does Your FFTC Partnership Bring To Clients?

Having worked with FFTC in numerous capacities, I have relationships with many of the staff members. This allows me to select the right person to introduce my clients to, based on that particular client’s situation. I trust that the FFTC staff will take good care of my clients and will bring valuable ideas and insights to the discussion.


3. How Do You Encourage Clients To Consider Giving As Part Of Their Overall Estate Plans?

There are often many reasons for charitable giving. For some clients, there may be a strong tax incentive to make charitable gifts. For others, they want to encourage their children to continue their charitable giving legacy. And many times, clients simply have causes they hold dear and want to continue to see those funded after their deaths.

4. How do you help your clients include the next generation engagement?

I encourage my clients to speak to their children about philanthropy and their desire for their children to continue the family legacy of giving. Sometimes, this means their children would take over the management of their donor advised funds, or it may mean setting up separate funds for each child. It is equally important to recognize that if a child does not have an interest in continuing the family’s legacy of giving, alternate planning may be necessary.


5. What Would You Like To Share With Colleagues Who Haven’t Yet Partnered With FFTC?

Often clients have charitable intent, but they and even their attorney may not be sure of the best way to facilitate those goals. FFTC is an excellent resource to explain various giving options so your clients can find the best solution for their needs